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Post by Admin »

That's interesting Tim. One of the guys I work with has also been referred to a neurosurgeon for a back problem. I went to an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in sport medicine.

I only had a ruptured disk at the Lumbar level. I have no idea what all that stuff they told you is about. Use a search engine and find out all you can before you make a decision. I elected to have surgery because I saw the disk on the MRI, and anybody could see it had to be treated surgically.

My surgery (micro-surgery) was done as an out-patient and took about an hour. That was three weeks ago, today. I should be allowed back to work in another two or three weeks. Fortunately, my company has great healthcare, and they like me. I just don't want to get into long-term disability over this. I'm bored to death, but the pain is gone.

Good luck,
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Picture Host

Post by Admin »

Here is the Picture Host Account that I set up.Go to

The User Name is Sundialmotosport
The Password is T500 :wink:

To upload your Picture After you log in Click the HTTP Upload Tab at the top of the page.
After it has Uploaded Click on the View Files Tab and it will take you to all of the Pictures Stored.
Look for your Picture and Click it.
A New Page will pop up with your Picture Full size.Underneath your picture will be the URL (Address) with the IMG Tag at each end.
To post the Picture Just Cut and Paste it. (Hold your Left Mouse Button Down,Drag your Curser across the Text,Let go of the Button and hit Control+C on your Keyboard.When you click onto the post you are working on Hit Control+V) and you should hopefully have a working Picture on your Post.

It may take a while for Everything to get up and running since I just opened it up.

Also If you are new to the Picture Hosting thing Read the Walagata tutorial Page.
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Post by Admin »

Tim, the procedures done now are much less intrusive than they were only a few years ago. I flipped a motocross bike and broke two bones at L5 in 1982 and I now have a disc that is being crushed and will probably require surgery eventually.
That being said, the doc I went to is also a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon and his recommendation was to put it off as long as possible. He has a Physical Therapist group in his office and he had one of the ladies teach me what exercises to do to strengthen the ab and lower back muscles which in turn support the spine in the lower back. Works great and when I begin to have any pain, I just get on the floor and start the exercise program again and it goes away in a day or two.
If I were disclipined enough, I would do them every day and probably avoid the pain altogether, but it takes about 45 minutes to do them and I simply won't do it unless I am hurting :oops:

Good luck, back pain SUCKS.

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Post by Admin »

Well, Tim, that diagnosis looks VERY similar to what my wife just got from HER doc after an MRI scan. She had gone through 2 episodes about a year apart that completely laid her out for a month each time. Finally she got the MRI done this past October. The doc told her that it was time for physio AND daily exercises. So to avoid the knife, she's now being a good girl and doing what the doc and physio people tell her to do. She goes to physio about once every 3 weeks but the big thing is the daily exercise. Her overriding motivation, though, is a mortal fear of hospitals keep her at the exercises and physio I'm not going to mention a word about the outpatient thing AT ALL. She might get the idea that it's no worse than having an ingrown toenail treated...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
For myself, I had onsets of sciatica intermittently for about 7 or 8 years but now keep it at bay by a real simple regimen of bending and stretching exercises that only take 15 minutes each morning. My sciatica disappeared about a week after starting the exercises and I've been pain-free for about 3 years least in my back. now if I could only do something about the arthritis in my elbows....
For us "gentlemen of a certain age", daily exercise is a MUST. Heck, I've been thinking of joining one of those oriental exercise classes where they do all those weird poses (the name escapes me right now). 2 billion Chinese can't be wrong, can they ?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Admin »

wise words oh h2confucius......

tai chi maybe what honorable gentleman seek.....

wot kung fu dat?
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Post by Admin »


Do you mean Tai Chi:

Of course there is also Yoga as well.....

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well done Jug

Post by Admin »

good man....

To celebrate here is a pic of me on my first actual modified race bike a highly modified TS125 that flew, had TM bits on it......many moons ago and I don't look such a dork anymore...I swear!!!! :oops:

Last edited by Admin on Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Admin »

Hey Muzza,

Piccie no workie! How about this:


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Post by Admin »

Whoops! You bloody fixed the thing whilst I was typing!


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Post by Admin »

Muzza we wouldn't really consider you a Dork.No Sir.Maybe a Geek But Definately not a Dork. :wink: :lol: :lol:
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oh great!

Post by Admin »

Oh great..just what I and the world needs is to see that pic twice!!!

Jug...apparently geeks are in fashion these days.....different from the crowd!

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How Has YOUR Dealership Treated You Today ??

Post by Admin »

A funny little incident: I go into my favourite Suzi & brand H dealer today and am looking at some clothing bits. Some 30ish guy new to the dealership sidles up to me wanting to know if he "can help". "Well, maybe" says I, "When are you getting your '06 1200 Bandits in??". "Not until March." says he, "But, look, the brand y FZ1 is a FAR better bike than the Bandit." And this guy is working in a Suzi & brand H dealership!!! I had in mind to talk to the owner and let him know just what some of his employees are up to......but decided to tell the doofus that "I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than ride a brand y POS." "Hmmm..." says he (trying to keep my attention), "well, what about a 919 brand H??". At this point I had to leave to prevent an episode of mayhem.....
How DO some people manage to hold a job ?? :x :x :x
What idiocy has heppened to YOU recently in a dealership ??
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Post by Admin »

I didn't see Shot,Slapped and Sterilized as an Option so I choice Drawn and Quartered. :lol: :lol: I really don't go to my local Suzuki Dealer.I usually find it too Stressful. :roll: :roll: I find someone that Is on their way past the Dealership,Hand them my List and the Money.I do However stop in and take a look at the 02 SV1000 that is still on the Showroom floor. 0 Miles and Copper Paint.I usually look until I start Drooling and head out the door.One of these days maybe when it gets 10 Years old I may talk to them about buying it.Wave $2000 Cash at them and tell them to take it or leave it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Admin »

No more Bandits in the U.S. for '06. :cry:
One of the best "Bang For The Buck" bikes out there, if not THE best.
I had a '97. Only bike I have ever bought new.

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Post by Admin »

smokeybluehaze wrote:No more Bandits in the U.S. for '06. :cry:
One of the best "Bang For The Buck" bikes out there, if not THE best.
I had a '97. Only bike I have ever bought new.

Same with the ZRX in the US. No more. :cry: :cry:
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