Steel City Mods vs Rockers 2017

Got a get together in your area or know of one? If so, post it here.

Moderators: oldjapanesebikes, H2RICK, diamondj, Suzsmokeyallan

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Steel City Mods vs Rockers 2017

Post by jabcb »

Steel City Mods vs Rockers was today. Its an annual event it the small Pittsburgh town of Millvale.
Four blocks of bikes & booths. Included 7 Suzukis: 5 two strokes & 2 four strokes.

Our 4 Suzukis loaded in friend’s sweet trailer.
ImageSCMR_2017-1_0667 by jabcb, on Flickr

And our 4 four bikes at the show.
ImageSCMR_2017-2_0680 by jabcb, on Flickr

The other Suzuki two stroke.
ImageSCMR_2017-3_0671 by jabcb, on Flickr

And the 2 Suzuki four strokes.
ImageSCMR_2017-4_0669 by jabcb, on Flickr
ImageSCMR_2017-5_0673 by jabcb, on Flickr

Most unusual would go to a Yamaha racer & vintage Triumph with two-person side car.
ImageSCMR_2017-6_0679 by jabcb, on Flickr

Some sweet Nortons.
ImageSCMR_2017-7_0672 by jabcb, on Flickr
ImageSCMR_2017-8_0674 by jabcb, on Flickr

Two pics of the event.
ImageSCMR_2017-9_0678 by jabcb, on Flickr
ImageSCMR_2017-10_0676 by jabcb, on Flickr
BAS (Bike Acquisition Syndrome) - too many bikes but have room for more

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Re: Steel City Mods vs Rockers 2017

Post by Alan H »

There doesn't seem to be many mods - unless the US versions don't have scooters!
Nice bikes though, hope they all get ridden regularly.
Think of how stupid the average person is, then realise that half of them are more stupid than that.
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Re: Steel City Mods vs Rockers 2017

Post by jabcb »

There were a few scooters. A sweet restoration won the scooter class.
The Pittsburgh area has a lot of steep hills & you don’t see very many scooters on the streets.

I typically take pics of Suzukis & Nortons. Have never had a Norton but have liked them going back to when they were new & way out of my price range. Left-shift versions are rare & big $$$, but I may end up with one someday.

Talked to 2 guys with work-in-progress GT750s.
One recently bought a nice one & has it in a shop getting ready for the street.
The other built the little green Honda CB in my 9th pic. He got a low-dollar 72 GT750 project bike & wanted to talk tech issues.
Both had me run my gray GT750 with the Jemco 3-into-1 chambers.
BAS (Bike Acquisition Syndrome) - too many bikes but have room for more

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Re: Steel City Mods vs Rockers 2017

Post by jabcb »

BAS (Bike Acquisition Syndrome) - too many bikes but have room for more

GT750 2x75
GT550 72 & 75
GT380 72
T500 69 project & 73 project
T350 69 & 71
Honda 85 CB650SC & 86 CB700SC
09 Triumph Bonneville SE
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