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Post by kawonda750 »

When I was rebuilding my GT550, I had to have an internal baffle plate welded into the left muffler. The weld marks are visible so I was looking for a nice pipe for a deceent price. I got one a while ago in nice shape and listed as fitting 74-77 models. Today I got around to installing it. I removed the old one, took off the bracket and sanded and painted it. Then, I went to put the bracket on. The holes on the new muffler are spread wider apart and the header diameter is too big to fit into the exhaust. I guess it is for a 750.
Just waiting to see what the vendor will do for me as I am out $198 US with shipping added in. So, it was re-install the old one....
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Alan H
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Re: Oh OH

Post by Alan H »

Oh dear...... :?
Think of how stupid the average person is, then realise that half of them are more stupid than that.
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